- 关于焊接的一些专业术语及对应的英文翻译
焊接烟尘weld fume
焊接发尘量total amount of fumes
焊接烟尘浓度weld fume concentration
焊接烟尘容限浓度threshold limit values of weld fume (TLV)
焊接发尘速率weld fume emission rate
焊接有害气体welding toxic gases/ weld harmful gases
标定卫生空气需要量nominal hygienic air requirement
焊工尘肺pheumocomsis of welder
焊工锰中毒chronic occupational manganese poisoning of welder
焊工氟中毒fluorosis of welder
焊工金属烟热metal fume fever of welder
电光性眼炎eye-flash (arc eye)
电光性皮炎electro-photo dermatitis
电弧紫外线灼伤ultraviolet ray burn
防电击装置voltage reducing device
除尘装置dust collection device
焊工手套welding gloves
护脚welding spats
防护鞋shielding shoes 关键字:焊接 专业英语 焊台 测试工作坊  本文链接:http://www.cntronics.com/public/art/artinfo/id/80004619