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? ???为什么测功机要选择合适的扭矩传感器?其主要原因有两个,确保准确性和避免损坏。

? ? ?扭矩传感器保证了准确的测量,在设计上类似于机械熔断器。为了避免机械故障,选择合适的扭矩传感器是很重要的,因为它是传动系统中较弱的部件之一。同时,扭矩数据的不确定性会影响扭矩传感器的精度。考虑到扭矩传感器的所有电气要求,获得所有所需的数据才有可能适应特定的应用。

Why should you choose the suitable torque sensor for a dynamometer? There are two main reasons for this, ensuring accuracy and avoiding damage.

Torque sensors should guarantee accurate measurements and be designed as a mechanical fuse. Choosing a suitable torque sensor is essential as it is one of the weaker components in the drivetrain. At the same time, the torque data's uncertainty will affect the torque sensor's accuracy.


? ? ?测功机是一种测量设备,用于确定在机器或电机上运行驱动器所需的扭矩、力、速度和功率,可以通过同时评估电机的扭矩和转速来测量。除了测功机的常见用途之外,它们还有其他用途,例如发动机管理控制器的测试和燃烧检查。

A dynamometer is a measuring device used to determine the torque, force, speed, and power required to operate the drive on a machine or motor, which can be measured by evaluating the torque and rotational speed of a motor simultaneously. Beyond the common use of dynamometers, there are other uses for them, such as tests of engine management controllers and the examination of combustion.


? ? ?大型测功机是连接到发动机或电机驱动器的可变负载。当电机启动时,测功机吸收产生的功率以提供有关电机扭矩和功率的数据。随着功率被吸收,测功机消耗通过电磁产生的大量功率。正如在现代可以预期的那样,测功机产生的数据被输入计算机。有多种软件可用于收集测功机读数。

A large dynamometer is a variable load that is attached to the drive of an engine or motor. As the motor powers up, the dynamometer absorbs the power being produced to provide data on the torque and power of the motor. As the power is absorbed, the dynamometer dissipates the massive amount of power generated through electromagnetism.

As can be expected in the modern era, the data produced by a dynamometer is fed into a computer. There are several varieties of software available to collect dynamometer readings.

? ? ?在高速和高精度加工应用中,监控加工过程以确保高产品质量非常重要。高灵敏度和高固有频率的测功机,可以很好地适应这些条件。易歌石生产的应变式扭矩传感器ET5能够用于测量加工过程中施加的扭矩。静态标定实验结果表明,扭矩传感器的灵敏度达到了2mv/V。模态冲击试验表明,扭矩传感器的固有频率达到2000 Hz。易歌石扭矩传感器内部数字芯片直接放大,直接传导输出,避免了中间环节,瞬态响应快,对微小扭矩波动有较好的再现性。动态测试结果表明,易歌石扭矩传感器稳定、实用,可用于测功过程的监测。

It is crucial to monitor the machining process to ensure high product quality in high-speed and high-precision machining applications. Dynamometers with high sensitivity and high natural frequency can adapt well to these conditions. Strain-type torque transducers ET5 manufactured by EAGOS can be used to measure the torque applied during machining. The results of static calibration experiments show that the sensitivity of the torque sensor reaches 2mv/V. Modal shock tests show that the natural frequency of the torque sensor reaches 2000 Hz, which is suitable for high-speed machining processes. The internal digital chip of the EAGOS torque sensor directly amplifies and conducts output now, avoiding intermediate links, fast transient response, and good reproducibility for small torque fluctuations. The dynamic test results show that the EAGOS ET5 torque sensor is stable and practical and can be used for monitoring the milling process.


The successful application of EAGOS torque sensors on dynamometers is well-validated for the accuracy and reliability of the sensors required for performance, safety, and quality.

“A unified theory would put us at the doorstep of a vast universe of things that we could finally explore with precision.


-?Brian Greene


If you need high-precision pressure sensors, please contact us.


文 :EAGOS易歌石驻英在员

图 :EAGOS独家授权


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